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Izdanje: Potvrdi

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Izvor mondo.rs

Branila glumca od optužbi za silovanje, a onda ispala "ovca"

Lepotica pred vama je Džesika Mišel Serfati, manekenka koja je u vezi s britanskim glumcem Edom Vestvikom.

Zvezdom serije "Tračara" i muškarcem koji je navodno primorao dve devojke na seks.

U jeku optužbi za seksualno zlostavljanje Vestvik je izbačen iz serije i filma, ali je barem lepa Džesika bila uz njega... videćemo da li će i dalje biti, pošto je Vestvik "uhvaćen" na aplikaciji za muvanje.

Ne "obično", već muvanje VIP faca.

U pitanju je zatvorena mreža na kojoj mogu da se druže samo poznate ličnosti i na kojoj je moguće kliknuti opciju "samo druženje" - koju glumac nije stisnuo.

Dakle, pored ovakve devojke, on traži bolju. Neka ga...

Gettin’ all clean for my big day tomorrow! l get to see my loving family back home in Arkansas. l love work. Lights, camera, action. But nothing’s as rewarding as being gone from the best thing in the world and being reunited. Family is the prize we work so hard for. If you had a hard working mother or father, chances are.. they did it all for you! My dad traveled for work constantly but loved us kids to pieces. Mom never stopped either. The home was always filled with sweet aromas of home cooked meals and baked treats. Every. Single. Night. Family’s come in all shapes & sizes!! Make sure to tell your mom & dad, mom & mom, dad & dad, aunt, grandma, best friend, sister, brother... REMIND THEM HOW THANKFUL YOU ARE TO HAVE THEM. RIGHT NOW! TODAY! THIS WEEK! Just make sure you don’t waste the moments you DO have with them. So run that bubble bath, grab the hot chocolate, bring on the holiday tunes (Dean Martin) cuddle in oversized fluffy robes, kiss the ones you love till point of suffocation, bake the sugar cookies, prepare the table, watch the classics and then stop to close your eyes and take a mental picture of this moment.. the smells, the laughter, the feel of an embrace you might not get enough of. Moments to die rich with. Make those kind of moments. Money moments. ❤️

A post shared by Jessica Michél Serfaty (@jessicamichel) on

Let me cook you dinner, then dance for you.

A post shared by Jessica Michél Serfaty (@jessicamichel) on

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"Iza svake najlepse zene na svetu postoji muskarac kome je dosadila" Charlie Harper tj. Sheen