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Pocepao ugovor od 800 miliona dolara!!!

Izvor mondo.rs

Robert Plant pocepao ugovor kojim bi za ponovno okupljanje benda Led Zeppelin zajedno sa kolegama inkasirao sumu nešto manju od milijardu dolara

 Robert Plant: Nema okupljanja benda Led Zeppelin Izvor: Petar Stojanović, MONDO

Prvo veče EXIT-a obeležili su nekadašnji "Cepelin" Robert Plant i spektakularni The Prodigy.
Izvor: Petar Stojanović, MONDO
 Vlasnik "Virdžina" Ričard Brenson, ponudio je "Boga oca para" bendu Led Zeppelin da ponovo krene na turneju, ali je imao tu nesreću da pregovara sa Robertom Plantom, koji je pred njim pocepao ugovor.

Britanski "Miror" piše da je Led Zeppelin za ponovno okupljanje i nekoliko nastupa na "finalnoj turneji benda" trebalo da inkasira 800 miliona dolara, kao i da je Robert Plant jednostavno pocepao ugovor pred zapanjenim promoterima.

"Mislili su da će moći da ga ubede da se predomisli, ali on je čvrsto rešio da nema okupljanja benda", kaže neimenovani izvor blizak promoterima listu i dodaje da je ugovorom predviđeno da se te silne pare podele na ravne časti između Planta, Džimija Pejdža i Džona Pola Džonsa, dok bi Džejson Bonham, koji je "uleteo" na mesto svog pokojnog oca, radio za "platu".

Navodno, svi su pristali da sviraju za 800 miliona, ali ne i tvrdoglavi Plant.

Bend Led Zeppelin je poslednji put nastupio zajedno 2007. godine. Plant je od tad objavio solo album, dok je Pejdž na sve načine pokušavao da ponovo "oživi" bend.

Izvor: YouTube
Najnovije i najzanimljivije vesti iz sveta zabave, kulture, muzike, filma, lifestyle, putovanja i seksualnosti pratite na našoj Facebook stranici - MONDO Zabava, kao i na Twitteru @Mondo_zabava.

Virgin tycoon Richard Branson apparently offered a whole lotta cash for Led Zeppelin to reunite — before Robert Plant set him straight on what is and what should never be. In fact, according to a new report from The Mirror, Plant ripped up a contract promising Led Zeppelin a final-tour guarantee of $800 million in front of a group of stunned promoters.

“They have tried to talk him round but there is no chance,” a source tells the newspaper. “His mind is made up, and that’s that.”

The Mirror also detailed an evenly split proposed revenue slit for Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones. Drummer Jason Bonham, who has previously filled in for his late father on drums, was to earn a set salary. Everyone save for Plant had reportedly signed the contracts.

Branson was reportedly even willing to rename one of his jets “The Starship” in order to fly Led Zeppelin to venues on this now-scuttled tour.

Led Zeppelin hasn’t performed together since 2007, in a show that was later released as ‘Celebration Day.’ Plant recently released a solo album, and then hit the road for separate dates. Page, meanwhile, has continued an ambitious Led Zeppelin reissue campaign.

Virgin tycoon Richard Branson apparently offered a whole lotta cash for Led Zeppelin to reunite — before Robert Plant set him straight on what is and what should never be. In fact, according to a new report from The Mirror, Plant ripped up a contract promising Led Zeppelin a final-tour guarantee of $800 million in front of a group of stunned promoters.

“They have tried to talk him round but there is no chance,” a source tells the newspaper. “His mind is made up, and that’s that.”

The Mirror also detailed an evenly split proposed revenue slit for Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones. Drummer Jason Bonham, who has previously filled in for his late father on drums, was to earn a set salary. Everyone save for Plant had reportedly signed the contracts.

Branson was reportedly even willing to rename one of his jets “The Starship” in order to fly Led Zeppelin to venues on this now-scuttled tour.

Led Zeppelin hasn’t performed together since 2007, in a show that was later released as ‘Celebration Day.’ Plant recently released a solo album, and then hit the road for separate dates. Page, meanwhile, has continued an ambitious Led Zeppelin reissue campaign.

Read More: Robert Plant Reportedly Rips Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Offer | Ultimate Classic Rock | http://ultimateclassicrock.com/robert-plant-led-zeppelin-800-million/?trackback=tsmclip

Virgin tycoon Richard Branson apparently offered a whole lotta cash for Led Zeppelin to reunite — before Robert Plant set him straight on what is and what should never be. In fact, according to a new report from The Mirror, Plant ripped up a contract promising Led Zeppelin a final-tour guarantee of $800 million in front of a group of stunned promoters.

“They have tried to talk him round but there is no chance,” a source tells the newspaper. “His mind is made up, and that’s that.”

The Mirror also detailed an evenly split proposed revenue slit for Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones. Drummer Jason Bonham, who has previously filled in for his late father on drums, was to earn a set salary. Everyone save for Plant had reportedly signed the contracts.

Branson was reportedly even willing to rename one of his jets “The Starship” in order to fly Led Zeppelin to venues on this now-scuttled tour.

Led Zeppelin hasn’t performed together since 2007, in a show that was later released as ‘Celebration Day.’ Plant recently released a solo album, and then hit the road for separate dates. Page, meanwhile, has continued an ambitious Led Zeppelin reissue campaign.

Read More: Robert Plant Reportedly Rips Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Offer | Ultimate Classic Rock | http://ultimateclassicrock.com/robert-plant-led-zeppelin-800-million/?trackback=tsmclip


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Izgleda da još negdje živi deviza:"Novac ne može kupiti sve."


Kapa dole, majstore,zaradili ste dovoljno, da se ne blamirate sa ne daj bože arenom i sličnim glupostima.


Bravo!!! Nema Komercijale i onda mi se javljaju pametnjakovici koji vicu da je Zeppelin bio komercijalni bend! Svaka cast Plant!