Smejao se Kim Kardašijan, držao bukvicu "večito goloj" Emili Ratajkovski učeći šta je zapravo feminizam, a sada je na red došla dvostruka dobitnica Oskara Dženifer Lorens.

Glumica koja se nedavno venčala u "tajnosti" ulazeći kod matičara s obezbeđenjem, nedavno je objavila listu poklona koje će gosti moći da joj kupe na svečanoj proslavi koju će uskoro organizovati.

Tu na scenu stupa britanski voditelj Jutarnjeg programa Pirs Morgan...

"Šta je ovo? Mašina za pravljenje testenine, bakreni set za sir, seckalica, wi fi... zašto bi ovo radila? Nekada davno je život holivudskih zvezda bio obavijen velom misterije, glamurom... a sad 'o, Dženifer Lorens hoće okglagiju i aparat za kafu! Znaš šta, Dženifer, jadno je ovo malo, dušo. Ti si super glumica, snimila si nekoliko brilijantnih filmova, par odvratnih, ali ovo nije dobro za tebe. Stavljanje tvoje jeftine liste na Amazon, mislim, stvarno. Jadno, Dženifer".

Piers Morgan has mocked Jennifer Lawrence over sharing her wedding registry list on Amazon, branding the promotion as ‘tacky’. The 29-year-old actress is set to get married to art dealer Cooke Maroney, and decided to share her registry on the website so everyone can see what she’s hoping for from her A-list guests. What’s in the list? There’s a pasta machine, an 11 piece copper fondue set, marble cheese slicer, a cork yoga mat, and the glamorous delights of a wi-fi extender. Discussing the list on Good Morning Britain, Piers Morgan was particularly baffled by the list, asking: ‘Why would you do this? ‘In the old days you’d have the mystique around Hollywood glamour, now it’s all like, “Oh here’s Jennifer Lawrence, she likes an expresso maker, a marble rolling pin and a ninja multi-cooker.” ‘It’s like the Generation Game.’

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