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Poslušajte savet stručnjaka! Koga lažemo... pogledajte seksi cicu bez gaća!

Lepa fitnes instruktorka Julija Gilas, objavila je video namenjen milionima pratilaca u kojem otkriva kako imati savršenu zadnjicu.

Julija je u opisu videa objasnila da "gluteusi spavaju jer puno sedimo i mi moramo da uradimo nešto kako bi ih probudili - treba unositi proteine, raditi čučnjeve...".

Ono što nije napisala u opisu je da ne nosi gaće u klipu koji sledi. Možda se podrazuma? Ako niste do sada vežbali bez gaća, možda je u tome problem?

4 Exercises for the "Booty" - There's no doubt, the booty is one of the sexiest body parts. If you want a nice "Derriere" "Bum", you have to work the glutes directly and train frequently. The Deadlift and Squat are great, but they won't do much to build your buns. Because we sit alot, often the problem is the glutes are "asleep" and need to wake up. If you are going to take on this program, make sure you are eating enough food and make sure you're getting enough protein. Here's how you do it.... 1. Bands just above the knees, glute bridge on the floor. As you come up, push the bands out, squeeze and hold. Go for reps and start feeling your butt. 3 sets x 15 reps. 2. Monster Walks: Walk sideways with bands just above the knees. 7 steps in one direction, then 7 in the other. Step hard and don't let your knees track inward. You don't need a heavy band, always go lighter than you think. Do this 3 times, with a 10 second break between sets. This is a great exercise, make sure you do this often. 3. Bands with barbell Glute Bridge Raise: Same as the bands but now use the barbell. Go light and go for reps. Make sure you push the knees out as you come up, squeeze hard at the top, and go for reps. 3 sets x 12 reps. 4. Glute Bridge Raise on the bench, heavy, No bands. Keep this to 8 reps or less. Always squeeze hard at the top. Go as heavy as you can in good form. Never sacrifice the form for weight. 3 sets x 8 reps. The rep scheme is not exact. Do reps until you feel your glutes. Try this for one month, and you'll see results. Do this 3 to 4 times per week. I'd suggest doing this as part of your workout or on off days. Go for it!

A video posted by Julia Gilas (@juliagilas) on

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Sve je ovo lepo videti, lepe zgodne devojke, sto da ne, Ali mislim da ovo vise prelazi granicu , svakoga dana nas bombarduju silikonsim "bombama" koje napucaju guzu i slikaj ! Ako mislite da ista pomazete ili doprinosite svesti narodu, grdno se varate, samo ga jos vise gurate ka propasti i zavisti. Ako imate i malo savesti i dobre volje, pokusajte smanjiti uticaj golotinje, tonemo polako u beznadje. Pozdrav